Testing and Storage Features
A representative sample is retained as the load is transferred from the collection truck to one of twelve 6,000 gallon dedicated "day tanks". Samples are analyzed by an independent laboratory for levels of the following used oil contaminants:
Flash Point
Arsenic Sulfur
Laboratory parameters and test procedures include the following:
PCB's |
In accordance with EPA-SW846-8082 |
Sulfur |
Coulometric Titration |
Total |
Coulometric Titration |
Chlorine Water |
In accordance with ASTM D-95 |
Flash Point |
In accordance with ASTM D-95 |
API Gravity |
In accordance with ASTM D-95 |
Viscosity |
In accordance with ASTM D-95 |
Ash Content |
In accordance with ASTM D-95 |
Elemental Analysis |
Other Contaminates |
Screened by FTIR |
An additional retained sample is taken and retained through the recycling life of the product.
Once the sample report details that the referenced batch is free of hazardous levels of contaminants, the entire "day tank" contents are transferred to larger storage tanks for energy recovery.
Customers receive an invoice denoting date of sample, date of pickup, and amount of product collected. All invoice and manifest data is detailed into one simple document. Annual collection gallonage reports are available upon request.
Non-approved product will be document and disposed of at a RCRA permitted facility.